Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Notebook from service

Notebook form service

FinBIF Vihko Notebook service can be used via by 3rd party applications in the following ways:

  • Applications can read definitions of /forms, such as
    • name of the form
    • fields of the form
    • enumeration values of the fields
    • and optionally also the ui-schema that defines how the fields should be rendered
  • Applications can /validate contents of the form
  • Applications can submit contents of the form as a /document
  • Applications can read and grant /formPermissions
  • Applications can also store /images

In the future we may allow applications also to create new forms using the API.

The application does not have to use all features provided by the API, For example the application can do everything it’s own way and just use the /document endpoint as a data storage.

TODO: This section might need more information. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us to get started developing your web or mobile app!

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