Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Data warehouse fields

Data warehouse fields

This document describes some key fields of the Data Warehouse data model and fields that may require further clarification. A full model for responses, containing all possible fields, can be found from OpenApi (swagger) specification.


documentIdURIId of the Document
collectionIdURIId of the Collection
sourceIdURIId of the Source
secureLevelEnumNONE, 1KM-100KM, HIGHEST
secureReasonsArray(Enum)Reason the document was secured
partialbooleanIs the document in it’s original form or has something been detached from it/has this document been detached from some other document, because of data concealment.
editorUserIdsArray(String)Owners of the document
linkings.editorsArray(Person)FinBIF Persons that the user id’s have been attached to
keywordsArray(String)Alternative ids, project names, etc. (Exists also
createdDateDateCreated at the original source (not always known)
modifiedDateDateLast modified at the original source (not always known)
loadDateDateLast loaded to FinBIF DW
firstLoadDateDateFirst time loaded to FinBIF DW
factsArray(Fact)Document facts
mediaArray(Media)Document media (specimen labels, etc.)
quality.issueQualityGeneral issues about the document, marked by DW or the original source.
annotationsArray(Annotation) Annotations (quality control markings) made about the document.


gatheringIdURIGathering id
teamArray(String)Names of the observers
observerUserIdsArray(String)Observer user ids
linkings.observersArray(Person) FinBIF Persons that the user id’s have been attached to
eventDate.beginDateBegin date
eventDate.endDateEnd date
hourBegin/EndIntTime of day, hour: begin/end. Stored as reported. Assume the observer has used the local timezone at the time of making the observation,
minutesBegin/endIntTime of day, minutes: begin/end.
displayDateTimeStringDate and times formatted to sortable and human readable format.
higherGeographyStringVerbatim from the source (continent etc.)
countryStringVerbatim country from the source
biogeographicalProvinceStringVerbatim biogeographical province from the source
provinceStringVerbatim administrative province from the source
municipalityStringVerbatim municipality from the source
localityStringVerbatim locality from the source (village, river, etc.)
mediaArray(Media)Gathering media (habitat images, trip photos, etc.)
quality.issueQualityGeneral issues about the gathering event (not time, geo). Marked by DW or the original source.
quality.timeIssueQualityIssuses about dates, times. Marked by DW or the original source.
quality.locationIssueQualityIssues about coordinates, other geo-information. Marked by DW or the original source.
factsArray(Fact)Gathering facts
interpretationsInterpretationsGeo related interpretations (see bellow)
conversionsConversionsCoordinate and time conversions (see bellow)


coordinateAccuracyIntDW interprets accuracy of coordinates in meters based on geography, coordinates or coordintesVerbatim. The figure is indicative.
sourceOfCoordinatesEnumHow the DW resolved coordinates (that can be found from conversions-object)
countryURIInterpreted country id (/area endpoint).
sourceOfCountry Enum How the country was interpreted
biogeographicalProvinceURIInterpreted biogeographical province id (/area). This is a single province (for example using coordinate center point).
sourceOfBiogeographicalProvince Enum How the bio-province was interpreted
biogeographicalProvincesArray(URI)Ids all all the bio-provinces that touch the coordinate area
finnishMunicipality URI Interpreted Finnish municipality id (/area). This is a single municipality (for example using coordinate center point).
sourceOfFinnishMunicipality EnumHow the municipality was interpreted
finnishMunicipalities Array(URI) Ids all all the municipalities that touch the coordinate area
countryDisplayname String Name of the interpreted country in Finnish
biogeographicalProvinceDisplaynameStringName of the interpreted bio-province in Finnish + abbreviation in Latin
municipalityDisplaynameString Name of the interpreted municipality in Finnish

In case the coordinates have been concealed, coordinate accuracy indicates the accuracy of the coarsed coordinates, not the accuracy of the original coordinates.


centuryIntIf time span within one century
decadeIntIf time span within one decade
yearIntIf time span within one year
monthIntIf time span within one month)
dayIntIf the time span is a single day
seasonBegin/EndIntMMDD, for example 0323
euref.latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMaxIntBounding box, ETRS-TM35FIN coordinates
wgs84.latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMaxDoubleBounding box, WGS84 coordinates
ykj.latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMaxIntBounding box, uniform grid (YKJ, yhtenäiskoordinaatit),lonDoubleBounding box center point, WGS84,lonDoubleCenter point in 1.0 degree accuracy, WGS84,lon Double0.5 degree accuracy,lon Double 0.1 degree accuracy,lonDouble 0.05 degree accuracy,lonInt100km x 100km; left lower corner of the grid; only if area entirely inside the gird,lonInt50km x 50km; only if area entirely inside the gird,lonInt10km x 10km; only if area entirely inside the gird,lonInt1km x 1km; only if area entirely inside the gird,lonInt100km x 100km; left lower corner of the grid; based on coordinate center point even if area not entirely inside the grid,lonInt50km x 50km; even if area not entirely inside the grid,lonInt10km x 10km; even if area not entirely inside the grid,lonInt1km x 1km; even if area not entirely inside the grid
eurefWKTString(WKT)Original geography or bounding box/point in WKT format, ETRS-TM35FIN coordinates
ykjWKTString(WKT)Original geography or bounding box/point in WKT format, YKJ, yhtenäiskoordinaatit
wgs84WKTString(WKT)Original geography or bounding box/point in WKT format, WGS84 coordinates
boundingBoxAreaInSquareMetersIntArea of the bounding box in square meters


unitIdURIUnit id
taxonVerbatimStringSpecies/taxon scientific, vernacular or other name as reported by the original data source
authorStringScientific name author, reported by the original data source. Not used at the moment for anything by the DW.
reportedTaxonIdURIFinBIF taxon id, reported by the original source. Either taxonVerbatim or reportedTaxonId must be given. If both are given, reportedTaxonId is used (for taxon linking).
interpretations.annotatedTaxonIdURIFinBIF taxon id, resolved by the DW based on annotation data (quality markings of taxon experts, users).
linkings.taxonTaxonFinBIF taxon, if the occurrence could be linked to taxonomy (based on taxonVerbatim or reportedTaxonId, annotations). Limited taxon model; use /taxa endpoint to get full data model of the taxon if more fields needed.
linkings.originalTaxonTaxonSame as above, but will ignore annotation data.
abundanceStringStringAs reported by the original source
interpretations.individualCountIntIndividual count interpreted from the abundanceString (for example “n. 12-15” = 12, “1m2f” = 3)
recordBasisEnum(specimen, song, footprint, etc)
superRecordBasisEnumDerived from recordBasis: observation, specimen machine obsevation
lifeStageEnumLife stage (combines plant, animal life stages)
wildBooleanDid the occurrence exist in the wild? Default is null = not known. Based on the original data source.
detStringName of person who made the identification (as reported by the original data source).
mediaArray(Media)Media about the occurrence
reportedTaxonConfidenceEnumAs reported by the original data source / original observer
quality.issueQualityGeneral issues (non identification, reliability related) with the occurrence, marked by the original data source or the DW.
quality.taxonTaxonQualityInterpreted quality of the occurrence, by the DW
annotationsAray(Annotation)Annotations (quality control markings) made about the occurrence.
factsArray(Fact)Unit facts


latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMaxDoubleBounding box
typeEnumCoordinate system
accuracyInMetersIntAs reported by the original source. (For example source reports a WGS84 point and accuracy 1000m)


licenseIdURIIntellectual rights license (metadata/range/ MY.intellectualRightsEnum endpoint)
licenseAbbreviationStringOther license abbreviation if not found among FinBIF metadata
fullURLURIURI of the full image
thumbnailURLURIURI of a thumbnail (not required but highly recommended)
squareThumbnailURLURI URI of a square thumbnail (not required)


factStringName / id of the variable, as reported by the original source
valueStringValue, as reported by the original source
integerValueIntDerived from value
decimalValueDouble Derived from value


idURIFinBIF person id
userIdStringUser id in original data source
fullNameStringPerson full name in FinBIF


Occurrences/gatherings/documents that have issues are not shown by default.

issueEnumType of issue
sourceEnumSource of issue (original source or DW)


reliabilityEnumReliability of the occurrence as interpreted by the DW
sourceEnumBasis of the reliability
messageStringNotes (usually none)
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