Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Instructions to Species Image Management / Image Bank


Species images on are managed using a tool available at:

The tool is currently being refined.

At the moment, only ADMIN users can edit and add images using the tool. Admin users belong to the following groups:

  • Taxon Editor users
  • Users with permissions to write species descriptions in the Taxon Editor
  • ICT-Admins

Admin User Instructions

Accessing the Tool

  • You can access a species’ images through the Taxon Editor tool, either from the taxonomy tree (image icon next to the Finnish flag and gear icon) or from the Taxon Descriptions section.
  • You can also log in directly at and search for a species/taxon using the search field.

Classifying Images

  • When viewing a species’ images, you can select one or more “tags” from the top corner. Clicking on an image assigns the selected tag(s) to it. You can see the final result (and new image order) by clicking the green “Done” button.
  • If an image already has a tag from the same category, the new tag will overwrite the existing one.

Adding Images

  • Below the already uploaded images, at the bottom of the page, you can upload images from your computer by selecting files or dragging and dropping them.
  • Set a photographer’s name, license, and copyright owner for all uploaded images.
  • If you need to edit these details for individual images, you can do so after uploading. Recently added images will be highlighted with a green background.

Image Order Determination

  • Images are displayed in the same order on species pages and in the tool. (However, has a maximum limit of 32 images per taxon, while the tool shows all images.)
  • The primary image is displayed first. Only one image should be selected as the primary image.
    • You can set the primary image by editing an individual image and clicking “Set as primary image for this taxon”.
    • If multiple images are marked as primary, clear the “Primary image for taxon” field for the incorrect ones. Also, remove the legacy keyword: “primary”, if applicable.
  • Images are categorized into groups, which may vary between organism groups. The final group structure is still under development. Possible groups include for example: Primary image, Adult, Larva, Egg, Habitat, ..
  • After the primary image, a certain number of images from each group is displayed (currently four). The rest are shown grouped by category.
  • The order within a group is determined by the “Image Order” value, which can be adjusted by clicking an individual image.
    • Lower values appear first, higher values later.
    • Some images have an AI-generated quality-based ranking.
    • The absolute number doesn’t matter, only the relative order between images. (The maximum value is a few billion, but use numbers smaller than 1000.)

Changes Taking Effect

  • New images, changes in order, etc., are applied to once per night.
  • The taxonomy in the image service (e.g., new species) is updated once per night.

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