Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Collection Management System

Kotka Collection Management System

Kotka is a collection management system for Finnish natural history specimen collections, built by Luomus and Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility. It can be used for all types of natural history specimens, tissue samples, fossils and living collections of botanical gardens.

User manual for Kotka (partly in Finnish)

Kotka has been developed gradually since year 2012. Kotka has been in production use since autumn 2012. The system is used by almost all Finnish natural history museums and it is available for all natural history collection holding institutions in Finland. Access can be granted to the test version of Kotka for those interested in starting to use it.


  • kotka(ät) (admins, technical support and help)
  • A mailing list for Kotka users is used for communicating about Kotka development. Contact the admins if you would like to join the mailing list.


Kotka has features implemented on being planned for versatile parts of collection management:

  • Making collection management and amassing easier:
    • Entering and editing specimen data
    • Searching specimen data
    • Printing specimen labels
    • Material loan management
    • Metadata on collections and organisations
    • Reporting and statistics
    • Saving images
  • Managing genomic resources collection data
  • Managing the living collections of botanic gardens
  • Sharing and publishing data on FinBIF portal

More Information

An article on Kotka: Kotka – A national multi-purpose collection management system

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