Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Column names in data download

Observations can be downloaded in two different geospatial data formats: Shapefile and GeoPackage. Both formats contain the same fields, but the field names in the Shapefile had to be shortened due to format limitations.

Name in Shapefile formatName in GeoPackage formatTypeExplanation
fidIntegerFeature ID in GeoPackage format
recQlrecord_qualityStringThe conservation status of the taxa according to the IUCN Red List of threatened species.
collectQlcollection_qualityStringIndicator of the data quality of collection or dataset on scale of AMATEUR, HOBBYIST and PROFESSIONAL
txnmicOrdrtaxonomic_orderStringAn integer indicating the position of the taxon in a taxonomic order.
fmtTxnNmformatted_taxon_nameStringA string consisting of a common or vernacular name (if known) followed by the full scientific name of the taxon.
abundVbtmabundance_verbatimStringThe verbatim reported measurement of abundance for the occurrence.
fmtDateTmeformatted_date_timeStringThe date and time of the event as a formatted string.
countrycountryStringThe country in which the occurrence record is made.
bioProvIbio_province_interpretedStringBiogeographical province of the occurrence
localitylocalityStringThe specific description of the place.
collectNmcollection_nameStringThe name of the collection or dataset from which the record was derived.
documentIDdocument_idStringAn identifier for the record within the data set or collection.
teamteamStringA list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups, or organizations responsible for recording the original occurrence.
comNmcommon_nameStringA common or vernacular name.
sciNmIscientific_name_interpretedStringThe full scientific name of the taxon (for taxa linked to the FinBIF taxanomic database).
repNmreported_nameStringThe taxonomic identification as it appeared in the original record.
redLstStatred_list_statusStringThe regulatory status or list of regularatory statuses that apply to the taxon of the occurrence record. 
sensitivesensitiveInteger / BooleanIndicates whether the taxon is considered sensitive and may be subject to data restriction.
primaryHabprimary_habitatStringList of habitats used by the taxa.
ordDayStrtordinal_day_startIntegerThe earliest integer day of the year on which the Event occurred (1 for January 1, 365 for December 31, except in a leap year, in which case it is 366).
ordDayEndordinal_day_endIntegerThe latest integer day of the year on which the event occurred (1 for January 1, 365 for December 31, except in a leap year, in which case it is 366).
determinerdeterminerStringThe names of people, groups, or organizations who assigned the taxon to the subject.
abundUnitabundance_unitStringThe units of the measurement of abundance.
lifeStagelife_stageStringThe age class or life stage of the organism(s) at the time the occurrence was recorded.
abundIabundance_interpretedIntegerThe number of individuals present at the time of the occurrence. Has been interpreted as one individual when unreported by original source.
sexsexStringThe sex of the biological individual(s) represented in the occurrence.
atlasCodeatlas_codeStringFinnish Breeding Bird Atlas observation code and the explanation
atlasClsatlas_classStringFinnish Breeding Bird Atlas observation class
crdUncertIcoordinates_uncertainty_interpretedIntegerThe horizontal distance (in meters) from the given coordinates describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the location of the occurrence. Coordinate uncertainty has been interpreted as one meter when unreported by original source.
coordVbtmcoordinates_verbatimStringThe verbatim original spatial coordinates of the location.
crd10cYKJcoordinates_10_center_ykjStringThe geographic coordinates (using the spatial reference system YKJ) of the south west corner of a 10km grid cell containing the center of the occurrence. 
crd10YKJcoordinates_10_ykjStringThe geographic coordinates (using the spatial reference system YKJ) of the south west corner of a 10km grid cell containing the location of the occurrence. This field is blank if the entire geometry of the occurrence does not fit in the grid cell.
crd1cYKJcoordinates_1_center_ykjStringThe geographic coordinates (using the spatial reference system YKJ) of the south west corner of a 1km grid cell containing the center of the occurrence. 
crd1YKJcoordinates_1_ykjStringThe geographic coordinates (using the spatial reference system YKJ) of the south west corner of a 1km grid cell containing the location of the occurrence. This field is blank if the entire geometry of the occurrence does not fit in the grid cell.
repTxnConfreported_taxon_confidenceStringA brief phrase or term to express the determiner’s doubts about the identification.
recBasisrecord_basisStringThe specific nature of the data record.
recNotesrecord_notesStringData quality rating based on the rating given by the original source and FinBIF quality control classes (incorrect, uncertain, neutral, community verified and expert verified).
evntNotesevent_notesStringComments or notes about the event.
srcIDsource_idStringA unique identifier for the source data system that holds the collection in which the information about the occurrence is held.
rstrctLevrestriction_levelStringIndicator of withheld information about the occurrence record incuding geographic aggregation (e.g., none, 1km, 100km, etc.).
rstrctRsnrestriction_reasonStringThe reason or reasons why data associated with the record (time, location, personal information) has been restricted.
recIDrecord_idStringComments or notes about the occurrence.
nFinRecsn_total_finnish_recordsIntegerThe number of FinBIF occurrence records in Finland for the taxon.
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