Knowledge base of the FinBIF

Column names in OGC API

The columns and their values are similar between VirvaGIS data product and this API. The names and values are translated to Finnish. You can find original fields from our REST API.

Data Fields (Attribute Columns)

  • Tieteellinen_nimi: Scientific name of the species (Text)
  • Suomenkielinen_nimi: Finnish name of the species (Text)
  • Ruotsinkielinen_nimi: Swedish name of the species (Text)
  • Alkuperäinen_nimi: Name given by the observer (Text)
  • Havaintoerän_tunniste: Gathering identifier (Text)
  • Yhdistetty: Number of identical but separate observations at the same location (Integer)
    • The interpreted number of individuals from these observations is shown in the individual_count_interpreted field.
  • Taksonin_tunniste: URI identifier for the taxon (e.g., (Text)
  • Taksonominen_järjestys: Number describing taxonomic order (Integer)
  • Eliöryhmä: Informal, informative species group classification (Text)
  • Yksilömäärä_tulkittu: Interpreted numerical count of individuals based on reported individual numbers (Integer)
    • If identical observations are combined, this field shows the sum of the reported individual counts.
  • Määrä: Reported number of individuals (Text)
  • Määrän_yksikkö: Unit used to report the number of observations (Text)
  • Havaintotapa: Observation method (e.g., visual observation) (Text)
  • Sukupuoli: Sex of the observed individual (Text)
  • Esiintymän : Whether the species is present or absent at the location (i.e., zero observation) (Text)
  • Pesintäpaikka: Whether the observation is from a breeding site (Boolean)
  • Elinvaihe: Life stage of the observed individual (Text)
  • Uhanalaisuusluokka: Current endangerment class of the species (Text)
  • Sensitiivinen_laji: Whether the observed species is classified as sensitive (Boolean)
  • Lajiturva: Classification related to species protection project (Text)
  • Hallinnollinen_asema: All administrative statuses for the species (Text)
  • Ensisijainen_biotooppi: List of habitats associated with the taxon (Text)
  • Avainsanat: Keywords associated with the observation batch (Text)
  • Havainnon_luotettavuus: Reliability based on original source and quality control comments from (Text)
  • Havainnon_lisätiedot: Additional information about the observation (Text)
  • Määrittäjä: Name of the observer (Text)
  • Havainnoijat: List of observers/collectors (Text)
  • Keruutapahtuman_lisätiedot: Additional information about the collection event (Text)
  • Keruutapahtuman_tunniste: Identifier for the collection event (Text)
    • If identical observations are combined, all identifiers are listed in this field.
  • Aika: Dates and times of the collection event in text format (Text)
  • Keruu_aloitus_pvm: Start date of the collection event (Text)
  • Keruu_lopetus_pvm: End date of the collection event (Text)
  • Sijainti: Location name provided by the observer (Text)
  • Kunta: Municipality based on coordinates (Text)
  • Eliömaakunta: Biogeographical province based on coordinates (Text)
  • Paikan_tarkkuus_metreinä: Location accuracy in meters (Decimal)
  • Valtion_maalla: Whether the observation is on state-owned land (Boolean)
    • Information available only from LajiGIS datasets
  • ETRS_TM35FIN_WKT: Original geometries in Well-Known Text format in the ETRS89-TM35FIN coordinate system (Text)
  • ETRS_TM35FIN_N: North coordinate of the observation centroid in the ETRS89-TM35FIN coordinate system (Decimal)
  • ETRS_TM35FIN_E: East coordinate of the observation centroid in the ETRS89-TM35FIN coordinate system (Decimal)
  • Havainnon_tunniste: Observation identifier (Text)
    • If identical observations are combined, all identifiers are listed in this field.
  • Aineiston_tunniste: Collection identifier (Text)
  • Aineisto: Name of the collection (Text)
  • Aineistolähde: More specific source of the LajiGIS collection (Text)
  • Aineiston_laatu: Classification of the dataset or collection on a three-point scale (Text)
  • Karkeistuksen_syy: Reason for generalization (either for observation or personal data) (Text)
  • Havaintoerän_lisätiedot: Additional information about the observation batch (Text)
  • Atlaskoodi: Exact breeding certainty index according to the bird atlas (Text)
  • Atlasluokka: Breeding certainty class according to the bird atlas (Text)
  • Seurantapaikan_tyyppi: LajiGIS column. The purpose of the observing / mapping. (Text)
  • Seurantapaikan_tila: LajiGIS column. State of the place where observation event happens. (Text)
  • Seurattava_laji: LajiGIS column. Describes the species that have been primarily observed from the observing place. (Text)
  • Sijainnin_tarkkuusluokka: LajiGIS column to describe categorized positional accuracy (Text)
  • Havainnon_laatu: LajiGIS column to describe occurrence quality (Text)
  • Peittävyysprosentti: LajiGIS column to describe geographical coverage of the occurrence in the certain area (Text)
  • Havainnon_määrän_yksikkö: LajiGIS column to describe number of observations unit (Text)
  • Vesistöalue: LajiGIS column. Water area, calculated from the coordinates (Text)
  • Vastuualue: ELY center area with 10 kilometers buffers
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